How To Become A Walmart Supplier

17 August 2008
Posted by Aaron Thomas

Walmart Supplier

Walmart Stores, Inc. is the world’s largest retailer, with $218 billion in sales in the fiscal year ending January 31, 2002. The company employs more than 1.3 million associates worldwide through more than 3,200 facilities in the United States and more than 1,100 units in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, China, Korea, Germany and the United Kingdom. More than 100 million customers per week visit Walmart stores worldwide.

Now, imagine having your product sold in their stores.

From time to time we have customers ask us if we know how to introduce products into Walmart or other large retail stores. The answer we provide is, visit Walmart’s corporate site and look under “Supplier Information“.

There, you will find a complete guide to becoming a Walmart supplier. Some of Walmart’s requirements include:

  • Completing the Supplier Questionnaire available on their web site
  • Listing your most recent financial information with Dun & Bradstreet (D & B)
  • Providing a copy of your most recent financial statements
  • Providing Walmart with a copy of your product liability insurance
  • Providing your Uniform Code Council (UPC) information

In order to allow you the proper opportunity to formally analyze if your product or service fits within Walmart’s corporate strategies or the market as a whole, Walmart requires that you answer the following key questions. These questions are great questions to ask yourself prior to bringing any product to market.

  • Who is the customer with regard to age, average income, median family size, geographical location, population size and expected growth?
  • Where is the demand for your product going to come from in the future?
  • How will this product help position Walmart to take advantage of this future demand?
  • How can Walmart gain market share with your product and, at the same time, control the cost of doing business to maximize sales?
  • Who is your direct competition in this market?
  • Who is your indirect competition in this market?
  • What added value does your product have over your competition that can be passed on to the customer?
  • How will your product impact other related products in Walmart’s stores?
  • How does your packaging enhance the image and appearance of your product as compared to the current Walmart assortment (i.e. how does the packaging sell the product)?

As you can see, there is quite a bit of legwork that has to take place prior to having your product sold at Walmart… but with more than 4,300 stores world-wide, even a small order from Walmart would have to make your day!

Aaron Thomas provides the packaging services that you will need once your product is accepted. We specialize in multi-packs, liquid and powder filling and pallet display assembly.

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